How drones are being used by Sky Filming

Drone Inspection of Historic Chimney in West Yorkshire

We were very excited to be asked to aid in an inspection of a 70 meter, 230 feet, high historic chimney at Salts Mill in West Yorkshire.

The building is a former textile mill built by Sir Titus Salt in the 19th century. It now houses an art gallery, various shops and restaurants making it a popular local visitor experience, and tourist attraction.

The chimney itself is a sort of obilisk shape with a flat top, i.e. with four flat sides. At the instructions of an on site engineer with flew from top to bottom taking photos all the way on each side, then did the same again capturing high resolution videos of the tall brick chimney.

We were looking for any cracks or defects in the brickwork, as well as checking on some pointing work that had been done a few years ago near the top. The shape of the chimney architecture, being square instead of round, made it a little more straight forward to carry out than the very high drone chimney and tower inspections we’ve done in the past. However, there was a small complication in being so close to an active railway track, so we had to bear that in mind while carrying out the inspection, and as an added safety measure register the drone flight with Network Rail.

All in all it was just a pleasure to be involved, even in a small way, with the ongoing preservation of this 200 year old building.

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